Today our marriage of just over 6 years is finally recognised in the country of our births. Now this might not seem like a big thing to some people but when you have spent so much of your life trying to justify your existence just because of who you are it's a big deal, I can tell you!
Tony and I met back in 1982 (September the 14th) to be precise, when being gay was still not widely accepted. We had fewer rights and were far from equal. I remember far too clearly being spat at in the street in which we lived simply because I was a 'fu**ing poof'. One night whilst leaving a bar on our way to the tube station a group of 'lads' (read cowards) pelted us with bricks- we were lucky not to be hurt.
Throughout my life I have put up with discrimination, some of it so slight it should hardly matter, but it does. For instance at one point I was told that my partner/boyfriend could not get similar benefits as a partner in a married couple as it wasn't a 'real' relationship. Yes those words were really used.
Over thirty one year ago we I was told our relationship wouldn't last yet we're still here and as strong as ever. just over 6 years ago (on our 25th anniversary) we married here in Spain, where same-sex marriage has been legal so much longer. It was a wonderful day -a day when our relationship was allowed a fairer airing. Now the UK is moving forward too. Equality still doesn't exist for us 100%, like it doesn't for so many (and I don't just mean gay people), but we're heading in the right direction, as long as you don't look toward Uganda or Russia!
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