Monday, 31 October 2011

54 Days to go.....

Watching the TV over the weekend I was flabbergasted at the amount of adverts for toys and games -and it was at that moment that I knew Christmas really wasn't so far away. Yes- just 54 days away. My Gast was also flabbered at the prices of the 'toys' on offer. Gone are the days of wooden forts and a stocking stuffed with fruit and maybe, just maybe a bar of chocolate.

Tony's reply to what he wants for Christmas was the usual 'peace on earth' thingy, which doesn't help me much as I'm staring in shop windows either. We tend to buy each other things throughout the year so come Christmas getting pressies is made all that more difficult.

I'm not sure what we're up to this year yet. Tony's visiting his mum over the weekend of the 10/11th, but apart from that we have no other plans laid down yet.  However I have been net surfing- I'd really like a tin of quality street this year. The tins that were available here last year were tiny and so expensive so I thought I'd take a  look on e-bay. They have a 1kg tin for about a tenner plus another six quid for postage so, although that works out a little pricey it looks like it'll be the best way for us to get a tin to snaffle whilst we're watching her Madge!  There's still a few weeks to net-surf some more to see if there is a better deal to be done,so if anyone knows of one do let us know. BTW many companies won't deliver foodstuffs from the UK to Spain. 


  1. Yum. Quality Street. What's YOUR favourite??
    This is a better looking blog Mark. Once I have a spare 5 minutes, I'll be joining you!

  2. Yes - I'm happy with it- and think I'll be staying a while. I did like Tumblr but with the complete laissez faire lack of support, missing comments was too frustrating.

    My favourite Quality street choccie is the purple hazelnut caramel- and yours?

  3. Mine is 100% the chocolate/toffee finger (!)


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