Tuesday, 18 June 2013


If you've been following TulStig INternational for a while you will have noticed there has been a lack of posts recently. 

You probably already know that is because I am preparing for another camino, and as such have been concentrating on my other 'CAMINO' blog.

For the next couple of weeks all posts will be live from 'THE WAY' and this blog will be 'dark', 'quiet', 'silent' 

Please follow our amazing journey at 

First we are walking the Camino Ingles, from tomorrow.

Then we will continue to Finisterre and Muxia...

Just before we go

Just before we go (walking on the Camino) I'd like to share news of an exciting project that my dear friend Amalia is organising in September.

It is specifically for those of you in the 'other' hemisphere -down under in Australia.

It is called  the LOVE FUN AND FREEDOM EVENT, and the details can be found by clicking the image above or the link. 

SO if it's in September why am I telling you now? Because if you book before the 30th June there is an EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT.

SO all my Melbourne chums, Check out the details on the site, and book your ticket now. 

The Camino - My way: We leave tomorrow

The Camino - My way: We leave tomorrow: The preparations are almost complete.  The Tres amigos are about to embark upon a Camino Ingles  Adventure ... Jane, me & Kerri ...

Monday, 10 June 2013

Something missing.

It feels like something is telling me to step back from the computer.

For the last few days the desktop PC has been playing around. On Friday it decided to lock me out completely.  No matter what I tried I couldn't get it to start up.
Today I unhooked all the peripherals and took the tower off to the repair shop.

That was this morning. They couldn't say how long it would take but so far I haven't heard anything.

So this evening iam typing this on my phone. 

I just hope it's nothing serious. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Just spent a great hour at school watching the first part of a film I ordered off amazon recently - Ted. 

It's the end of term, almost, and the exams for the advanced class was last week so I thought that a film was in order. They are all happy to improve their colloquial language in this way. As Julie's and Liam's classes are in the same position we have combined our groups for a couple of classes.

I had seen the ads on TV for the film and thought it looked amusing - Little did I know just how funny it was going to be. It is written by Seth MacFarlane and is in the same irreverent style. The language is a little 'spicy' shall we say, and there are some adult scenes, but my students are all adults, or near enough. 

I can honestly say I haven't seen anything so funny in a long while. Julie, Liam and I have been laughing heartily, and wiping tears from our eyes. Now some of the humour has gone over our students heads, but on the whole they too are having a good laugh. 

We've only seen just over half the film and I'm looking forward to next week when we'll be watching the rest...

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Been up the Lottie again this week - Did a bit of weeding and picked some lettuce, meddlars and Bobbie beans, which we had for dinner - things are looking good up there.

The view has gone from this: 

To this:

The plants are doing really well (as are the weeds!):

Meddlars (Nesperos)
 lettuce - 
 Tomatoes are coming along
 and cherries... 

Not only are we getting good veggies from the huerto, but I spend time there messing about and time flies. I was there over two hours the other day and hadn't realised. 

On the way out I chatted to another gardener about his chickens and he said he'll save the eggs for me if I want them. He even offered me a chicken, until I realised he mean one for dinner. I quickly explained I'm a veggie to blank looks. He tried to convince me that the chickens have a great life and taste better than shop bought ones too. I could tell he didn't quite get it when I  said no. 

Sunday, 2 June 2013

TulStig Quarterly

This weekend we have moved from a monthly TulStig Newsletter to a Quarterly one. 

This will mean I Will not feel quite so pressured with writing a monthly double sheet of TulStig News, yet will keep those of our friends who wish it, up to date.

I have updated the format somewhat too. The newsletter has been going for over fifteen years now and was probably in need of a facelift. 

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Wine Festival

Today there has been a wine festival in VnG. The Rambla Principal has had a row of 'tents' offering wine tastings and a few offering food tastes too.  The festival started last night, but as I was working I couldn't partake. This afternoon we made the most of it. 

WE caught the bus into town (no parking worries and no need to consider alcohol and driving issues) and met Julie and Bill for an afternoon's libation. 

For a glass (and round the neck glass holder) and four tastings plus a packet of crisps it cost just €8

We later lunched in Beverly Hills, then decided that a siesta would be a good idea so caught the bus home again. 
There is the option to do this all over again tomorrow, but I'm not sure if we'll partake or not....