Thursday, 10 July 2014

Flat out

I arrived at our old flat later on Wednesday afternoon after a lovely time in Brighton with Irene and her family. 

To say I was disappointed with the condition of the place is an understatement.  It was filthy and definitely in need of TLC. So I went straight to the local supermarket and bought some cleaning stuff and have it a quick lick and a spit.  In no time it was looking much better, but still needs a lot of work.

Strangely finding the flat in such a pre state of repair means I am happier to let go.  I was worried I would be over-emotional but so far so good.  There are loads of memories but they aren't in the flat they are fixed firmly in my head. 

This morning I walked round to Lewisham to do a bit of shopping.  Along with the many changes there are many things that have stayed the same.

Lewisham isn't the most amazing place on Earth but it had what I needed today.  And that included breakfast in the Weatherspoons pub. A veggie all day brunch which was pretty much closer to perfect.

This afternoon I have been entertained by some of my loveliest and most caring friends.  Caroline arrived first in the pouring rain and we laughed about how happy we'll both be to return to our Spainand how poor some of our English has become.

Next Rita arrived.  This was our first meeting. We are both researching our family trees and have a cousin connection somewhere along the line. We've chatted online many a time but now have finally meet.

Finally Freda and Adrian arrived laden down with food for our lunch.  We reminisced about all the wonderful parties we've had here and I have to admit to a lump in my throat and a tear close by especially when Xali's name came into the mix, but I handled it, and kept my composure.  

It's been a brilliant day all in all for which I can thank my wonderful friends.  And tomorrow I start again. ....

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