Thursday, 27 February 2014

And so it begins - Carnaval VnG

... Carnaval de Vilanova I'm talking about. Almost a full week of revelry and fun...

The streets are already decorated:

Classes at  work are less focused on grammar and turn instead to discussions of carnival. Materials made up from the various traditions that are Carnaval, thoughts and stories from previous years fill the classrooms as the weekend looms closer. Even our Catalan class today featured a Carnaval discussion. 

Today is The Meringada, when children all across VnG will be throwing meringues at each other, either real (less often) or pretend (made of shaving soap etc). and of course some adults will join in.  The tradition traces back to when one of the pastiseries that used to put a large meringue outside its door for djous gras (fat Thursday). As they passed children would pick bits off it and end up throwing them at, or smearing them all over, each other. This grew into an all out war in the streets, culminating in a major battle in one of the town's squares. 

Tomorrow is the main parade, when the king of this year's Carnaval will be presented and make a speech in the Town Square inviting everyone in Town to enjoy (and go wild) over the weekend of Carnaval. It's a big goodbye to winter...

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