Wednesday 6 November 2013

Back to the land

Popped up the lottie this morning to do a quick bit of watering. ended up being even quicker than I thought as the water wasn't turned on and there was no-one around to ask to turn it on, so I used up the water that was in the pipes and came back home. Sue will go up later to water, otherwise our poor plants will wither and die as the weather's turned warmer again. 

 Banana trees replanted
 Pergola/tent and trees straightened up 
& a bit of watering done

The winds of the last couple of days had taken their toll. The tent/pergola thing had lifted off it's base, luckily it's also secured to the fence. The trees had also blown over- no damage done there, I just uprighted them.

Mike has done a good job in digging out the footings for the water tank, let's hope it turn s up soon so we can get down to some serious planting with plenty of water for healthy plant growth. 

Oh and if anyone knows where we can get some chickens leave me a message or give me a call. Preferably want to rescue some battery hens. 

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