Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Passion being sated...

I am back in the zone and dedicating some of my time to the thing that I love and am truly passionate about.

Firstly I am well into editing 'The search (quest?) for the magic key. Any comments on a favourite title happily accepted. I love the characters, the way they interact and the story-lines. It is my favourite work so far, and will, I think, do really well when published, especially with the help of Tash's illustrations. I am taking the editing really seriously and a, as suggested by another writing friend, am using a ruler checking each line word by word. Hopefully it'll pay dividends!

Secondly I am enjoying a facebook group challenge to write daily according to a prompt. So far these are my efforts - Thank you Michelle for facilitating this- I am loving it if you couldn't have guessed!

Creative Writing Prompts #200 ... Create a paragraph based on this plot: "... gets trapped in the bathroom on Valentine's Day"
"Who on earth gets trapped in the bathroom on St Valentine's Day?" I mused as I sat there bemoaning my lot. I'd popped in to put on my lucky underwear before heading off to the new club in town. Slamming the door behind me I had completely forgotten for that crucial moment that the lock was busted. MY flatmates had already left, so I was alone. Now here I was still on my own three hours later as the clock ticked its way towards midnight, all dressed up and nowhere to go. It would be at least another five hours before any of my flatmates made it home, and that was only if I was lucky.
Ah well; alone for St Valentine's night again. It could have been worse I tried to tell myself. I could have arrived at the club and still ended up alone, or even worse than that come home with a desperate pick-up that I would have had to shoo out during the early hours and then spent the following day in remorse...

Creative Writing Prompt #263 ... Give 8 good reasons why it's ok for me to lie.
 "But you lied to her," Bob said, looking at me with that serious face of his.
"A white lie," I lied again.
"No way was that a white lie, man." Bob was still looking at me expecting answers.
"I don't want to upset her. At least not until we know for sur
e." I gave my basic reasoning.
"So it's OK to lie , then?" Bob wasn't letting go this time.
"In this instance it is." I was adamant.
"I think you're wrong." Bob was seriously trying to guilt me.
"And I know I'm not, and I could give you at least... eight good reasons why it's ok for me to lie." And for now that was an end to it.

Creative Writing Prompt #240 ... Use all these words in a paragraph or poem: preacher - coin - stairwell - comb.
 It wasn't much of a home, but it was my stairwell, and one I fiercely and jealously guarded. I shared it with no-one except preacher; my dog. He may have needed a good brush and comb job, as I maybe did too, but I loved him with my whole being. Whenever a passer-by kindly donated to our well-being with even the smallest coin, half of the funds always went on his upkeep too.

I am pondering a short stories book with these bits included in longer stories. So go on give me a challenge -write me an interesting prompt and I'll write you a paragraph or two..... 

And to the other challenge that I've been a little remiss in posting lately: An ordinary moment (Like I really have any of those!)

Sun breaking through the clouds (metaphorical or what?!)


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks - I am really enjoying the challenge. It's keeping my muse busy!

    2. You are Very Welcome, Mark ... I am thoroughly enJOYing your efforts!


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