Friday, 11 January 2013

Starting a roll....

After yesterday's self-pep talk I was up and at 'em this morning.  I was out of bed in a flash and walking the dogs before the sun had popped over the horizon. I followed this by attacking a load of household chores that I could list, but shan't bore you with them. I replied to a load of e-mails and did some HoT promotion.

The big news of the week is that the Spanish version of 'The Magic of the Camino' is now at the publishers, and hopefully will be on general sale by the end of the month. In order to promote this successfully I've roped Victoria in for a bit more translating so that I can send out 'reminders' in both English and Spanish. IF you're a FaceBook user you'll already be aware of this- at least I should hope you are.

The cover for 'La Magia del Camino' is basically the same, but with 'edicion español' added and of course credits Victoria with the translating.

I am now going off to do a bit of reading before starting classes this afternoon. Next week the editing of 'The search for the Magic Key' will begin in earnest, no more of this dipping in and out!

Whey Hey - HoT is on a roll....

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