Last night we had intended to have a healthy stir fry for tea but changed our minds at the last minute and decided to go out for fish and chips instead. We thought it would be a fitting tribute to our nan who would have been 100: the 29th July 1913 being her birthday. An oyster (ice-cream) may have been an even more fitting tribute but there were no ice-cream vans around.
Andrew drove us down to Shoreham (the place of my birth) where there are a few chippies. Andrew and Jane had fish and chips while I had a veggie spring roll and chips.
We then drove down to the lighthouse and sat in the car to eat them, staring out at the power station and the sea. It was just like when we were kids. In fact this was the very beach where Andrew fell off a breakwater and broke his elbow when we were younger. All rumours that I pushed him are completely unfounded and untrue.
When we got back home to Small Dole we had a pudding of arctic roll. This meant I could tick off another of my 'foodstuffs to eat while in the UK' list. Along with the dogs (Whiskey on my lap in the armchair for much of the time) we settled in front of the TV to watch a film. Andrew and Jane have Sky TV and one of the 'on demand' films was Snow White and the Hunter. An untaxing retelling of the classic Grimms fairy tale.
Today I was wide awake at around 6:00 am, like I have been throughout this trip... probably an age thing. I woke with bit of a sore throat so didn't move but relaxed in bed and read my book for another hour or so. There was no rush to do anything this morning as I didn't need to be at the airport until just after lunch and it was tipping it down all morning anyway.
Andrew and Jane dropped me off at the airport for an uneventful check in and flight. Amn't I lucky to have so many kind people to chauffer me round. (Huge thanks to each and every one of you).
On arrival in bcn, where yhe cgange in temperature was immediately noticeable, I caught the train and bus home. It was a bit of a trek but not too tiresome with a good book to read. I arrived just before Julie dropped in when she had finished work and just in time for tea.
Ad slways I got a great reception from the kids who are sitting here eith me now. Even Tony was pleased to see me especially when I got the TV going again.