I forgot to mention yesterday that I have been back at the PC writing this week.
For a while I wasn't writing much, life got busy, I got ill, excuses, excuses, excuses. Then a couple of nights ago some of the characters from Winner acme to visit in my dreams- and when i woke in the morning I knew that their continuing story needed to be told. They insisted on it!
I was a bit worried that I'd have lost my mojo, and that the muse may have deserted me, but plucked up the courage, opened the 'sequel' file (it does have a working title, but not sure of it yet!) and asked for my characters to return and tell their stories. No sooner said than done. Aaron - one of the members of the boy band Bounce stepped up to the plate and started to tell his story -and once again it all feels so organic- I'm loving it. That voice over my shoulder that puts the story together is still chattering away- and now is asking why I'm writing this and not concentrating on book 2 in the Joey et al saga- and that's a pretty good question -I will be back with the whole mob tomorrow- which is quite important for me, as when I spoke to Nick today who has already read 'Winner' he expressed his desire to hear 'what happens next'. Hold tight young man, I'm going to set to, and hopefully in a couple of months the sequel will hit the lulu website.
While talking to Nick today, which was better than 'really nice' I spoke my dreams aloud for one of the first times- I am a writer, and would love to concentrate on that more. To walk in the summer and write the rest of the year- now that's how I see my future. So Universe I'm sure you're listening (when aren't you) and even if not I know you hear, so watch this space.
To check the Universe is on-line I decided to take an 'Oracle Card' so grabbed the box 'Wisdom of the Hidden Realms' and this one fell out before I had chance to choose anything:
The message:
Always Allies and never Challengers, the Winged Wise Ones represent the aid of all the angels.
When you enter their realm, know that your sincere prayers will be answered according to the will of the Divine.
This also represents Divine intervention and the potential of miracles to heal and transforms as if by magic.
Have faith, whatever your circumstances: Heavenly beings are watching over you.
The Winged Wise Ones give you a glimpse of the future by offering messages whispered on the wind.
These are translated within you as inspired thought, instantly unravelling the past and revealing the present.
Be aware of the Higher Consciousness in you.
This is a good time to observe your thoughts through meditation.
Who is observing those thoughts?
That self is kin to the Winged Wise Ones, who have come to help you soar.
Yup - The Universe is listening should I have doubted it. By the Way I love this deck of Oracle cards. It feels right with me - it really resonates.
Synchronicity is ruling my world for sure. Before starting to write this entry I tried to access the
Lovely Michelle's blog, but kept getting an error message- I've just got in and read her day's entry- Trust your vibes and Abundance - How cool is that- another message to tell me to get a grip of myself and realise I know where I am going.
As for other news this morning I eventually got to Ikea, thanks to dear Liam, and our guest room is now full of cardboard boxes as we plan to assemble everything in a few days time. This afternoon I chatted with Nick- I felt he needed a call, and it was great to catch up. This evening I've had some good classes, and am now toasty and full of Tony's delicious Spag Bol. Mmmm Good day all round.