Thursday, 9 February 2012

Grinning, bearing it, and loving it....

This evening I saw a beautiful yellow Labrador coming towards me, walking jauntily on its lead beside its mum. It was wearing a vet cone so I guessed it must have had some sort of treatment recently. It wasn't until it got closer that I could see that it's jaws were wired with at least half a dozen screws and bolts sticking out. I couldn't believe it- he was clearly happy to be out walking with his mum -that shone through his eyes and whole demeanour, and really made me reassess my gripes over my sciatica, which incidentally has been at its worst today, but I shall endeavour to bear it with good grace, and hopefully tomorrow have another massage with Jordi before our relaxing weekend.

This morning I decided to do a bot of baking. Realising that we had a few bits of chocolate in the chocolate trunk, ends of bars we hadn't got round to finishing off yet so decided to throw them all in a bowl, with some cranberries and crushed hazelnuts, then whip up some muffins, which I took to school -and which were well received, as you can see from the following selection of pics:

WHen one of the other teachers asked why I baked - my reply was that I love cooking, and so enJOY seeing the smiles on my colleagues faces as the stuff the goodies down, as you can see from the above pictures. 

On another note - I've been back to the writing big time today with 'The sequel' as we're currently calling it, until I settle on a name for Winner's sequel- today Lucy found her voice and boy she has really been chatting away, and I have loved every minute of writing up her words. 

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