Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Back at the Type-Face

Yesterday walking the dogs I had an amazing idea for a new book. A poem popped into my head -well more of a little ditty than a poem, so I grabbed my mobile and recorded it so I wouldn't forget it. For the rest of the walk I was telling the new story aloud -I really find that helps me- and by the time I got home, dogs well walked -I had the basis for an amazing new book. I sat down almost immediately and wrote an introductory piece- well a first chapter more or less, and just to check how it read I sent a copy off to Janey with a warning not to open the file if she couldn't keep the secret. I spoke to her a little later and she said she was going to read it straight away. Within a short time I got  an e-mail reply -she loved it and is keeping the secret, but wants me to write the book ASAP. Just the reaction I was looking for.

It's a magical story that's already written, at least on the notepad in my head- I just need to get the words out... but first I have another priority...(sorry Janey) .....

Over the past few weeks I've been writing the sequel to WINNER -I'm loving the story and the way the characters are stepping up to the plate to tell their versions of events, but I've been stumped for a title that had grabbed me.  A little while ago Tony suggested a title. I considered it and we disregarded it. Then ten minutes later I had taken it on board, and it's now set. It its ideally and a couple of the characters had their say about it too.  So I now have my title.
I've been writing today for a while and am running along with the story- Lucy's been up again and sharing her part in the events.

I love writing, I love all my characters, old and new, and am so happy to have not just one book in my head now, but another that's just waiting to burst forth. I have to say I had been stalling slightly on my writing- lazy perhaps, but now I really am all fired up. I need to tell the story of the sequel to Winner (yes I'll share the title with you all soon), and am keen to get going with the new book, which is tentatively titled 'The Key'.

OK so here's the deal. I'm going to try to have the Winner's sequel done and dusted, editing and proofing aside sometime before the end of May. I know that's limiting my time, but I know I can do it if I just settle down. I'm hoping that by setting my target down here it will inspire me even more to get down to some serious work.... as I may have said before .... Watch this space.


  1. Mark you are inspiring - I can't wait until I get back into the groove of writing. How exciting to have another book ready to go. I am so pleased for you. Can't wait to hear more. Hugs xxxx Beverly

  2. Thank you Beverly- it's reciprocal, and there will indeed be more details over the coming days and months....


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