Wednesday, 1 February 2012

February the FIRST.

WEll here's February and so far things can only get better 'as they say'.

ONE. I was supposed to be going up to Ikea with Liam this morning to get some new furniture for our guest room. Just before he was supposed to pick me up he called to say because of the ice in the mountains he was going to be delayed. A few minutes later he called to say his had had got a puncture and he'd be round as soon as he could. Half an hour later he called again- the tyre changing was becoming a bit of a palaver and we decided to postpone. 

TWO. Whilst waiting for Liam this morning it started to rain. When I came back in I noticed that the water wasn't going down the drain.  To check what was going ion I flushed the loo, but the water didn't appear down the usual drain route, but it did rain. ???? I thought. we called the insurance company who sent someone round to take a look. After a lot of head shaking they said that as there was no damage anywhere they couldn't fix anything under the terms of our insurance- we now have to wait for something serious to happen. WTF I thought. I'm going to see if I can get hold of some drain rods over the next few days and check it out myself.

THREE. I settled down to check e-mails and do PC stuff, as the day was looking like a write off on any other front. Yup you've guessed it- The computer started to give me weird error messages. SO I turned it off and left it till much later- and happily it seems to have sorted itself.

FOUR.  Nope haven't got a number four yet. And guess what? we're both still smiling and doing the whole 'Que Sera, que sera' thing- we can't do anything so aren't worrying either. Well the Ikea trip has been rescheduled, the drains appear OK at the moment and we have a plan, and the PC is working OK.

What a start to the month. And tomorrow snow is forecast- YES- Snow- WTF I am thinking!!

Happily I have had some lovely correspondence with some of the ladies from OZ, and managed to get this month's newsletter out too. I've also been road-testing my new trainers, and had some time to read up on the Camino Primitivo. Was it a bad day -not really- a wasted day- not at all.

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