Saturday, 26 October 2013

(Back) In the zone


Isn't it funny how sometimes the decision is made for you, and yet all along it was you who made the decision and then the pieces fall into place.

Recently I wasn't enthused with one of my passions - writing - and didn't even make many posts on here, or Writey-Ho. I knew Nanowrimo was coming and thought that this year I might give it a miss, although I kinda fancied the idea. 

Then walking home I had a flash of a story, in fact the start of a story, the first chapter.

Within a day or so Michelle checked on me to see if I was doing Nanowrimo.

Then a friend at school lent me a book - 'The Artist's Way' about creativity and flow. I read the first chapter and felt it was written for me. I've now ordered my own copy to read it all. 

Same friend then said she had a great idea for achildren's book but didn't know where to go with it- Nanowrimo I suggested, and I'm hoping she's going to sign up so we can encourage each otehr.

That day I got a message from another friend who used to live in VnG and was back in town for a few days and wanted to meet up. He too did Nanowrimo last year. We met up and talked books, story-lines and characters. We both love our characters and the way they are so real to us.

That was just what I needed -I am enthused - so much so that today I moved my last effort another step towards publishing. One more illustration from Ritu, a cover from Alan and I'm pretty sure we'll be fit to go...

I'm back in the zone, my muse is chattering for me to write. Nanowrimo here I come, and a sequel to 'The quest for the magic Key' ....

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