Tuesday, 8 October 2013

PC Woes (no relation to PC Plod!)

I have to admit to not having any enthusiasm for updating the blog recently - there I've said it - deal with it!

After getting back off holiday there seemed to be mountains of things that needed my attention. Of course there weren't really, but you know how things multiply in your mind, or should I say my mind, and then even the simplest of tasks can be added to the 'chore' list.And it has felt like my 'chore list' has been huge of late.

Added to that our desktop PC has been playing up something terribly. As this is where most of the work for House of TulStig, Blogs, newsletters etc gets done, it's become more than a bit frustrating. It now takes over half an hour to load up when turned on, and pages can hang for ages, causing me to mutter 'oh bug*** it' and walk away with tasks still in mid-flow. We are in the process  of upgrading and I've now got an external hard drive with all our photos on, which will mean I can upload them from the laptop too. But I do feel the need for a central hub, so we're going to invest in a new PC tower as soon as I can get myself roused enough to go shopping for one. 

PC shopping isn't something that thrills me. The specifications muddle me and I end up standing in the middle of the shop wondering which could be the best deal for me. The sales assistants, all of whom look like they've just come out of school, do nothing to lower my level of purchase anxiety, as they stand around  either chatting or looking bored, and more often than not looking the other way.

Anyway I shall endeavour to update my blogs a little more frequently in the near future, and with a little more encouragement from anyone out there reading this, which wouldn't go amiss, I shall get back to a daily post as soon as possible!

This will be true for my other blogs -  The Camino-My Way

                                                    - Writey-Ho

BTW whilst writing this small update the da**ed thing stuck at least five times, but I got to the end with a little patience (I only have a little patience) and a lot of getting up and walking away while the PC 'did its thing'. 


  1. Oh dear , I hate it when things go wrong with my laptop in fact its not my laptop its our wifi conection thats the pain in this house.
    Oh i am also worried about google closing down and every time i open google now it tells me to store things i dont want to lose and im not sure what it is i should be saving and how to do it !!!!.
    Please keep the good work up Mark because you know how much i love hearing what is going on at casaTulstig , So hope all goes well with the pc tower hunting .x

    1. It is a worry for us of a certain age isn't it?!
      I?ve loads of stuff on this pc that I don't want to lose, but know that when we get a new one I may well lose a lot of it. Ah well I shall do what is needed.
      Thank you for following us at CasaTulStig. XXX


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