Sunday, 15 June 2014

It's all over...

... the school year for me that is.  I had my last class on Friday, to which only one student turned up, picked up her certificate and left, leaving me to go home early - the first tiem ever this has happened. Bit of a result, methinks. 

Then last night we had our annual 'End of year' party. This year it was held in the  'Sindicat del Vi' bar and restaurant. 

Tony and Karen

Tony and I arrived slightly early (well actually dead on time) to find June waiting on the doorstep too. We were delivering the puddings for the night's festivities, made by yours truly: Lemon Meringue, Raspberry Cheesecake and Tiramisu. 

June hacks away at the puddings

 The entertainment was provided by various staff members, all talented musicians, accompanying Roger (one of the Jefes). or playing solo. all were brilliant. Made me think about picking up the guitar again 

Roger & Bill

The food was good enough -I know, I know, I'm far too damned fussy (well I like my own cooking so much) - veggie croquettes of mushrooms and mozzarella and basil salad being the main fare for us. And of course the desserts sublime, not that I had any, but had some complimentary reviews from the other teachers. 

Mozzarella, basil & rocket salad

And there was an additional celebration for Liam, whose birthday is during the holidays , when he will hit the big 4 oh! 

So that's me unemployed again, for at least the summer, just the way I like it. Now I have plenty of time for me and doing those things I love. 

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