Wednesday, 1 August 2012

60th Birthday Celebrations - DAY ONE

Today is Tony's 60th Birthday. Over the past week cards have been arriving and I have hidden them for him to open this morning -so that was the first ritual of the day, as we had breakfast. The cards have taken up residence for the next few days on top of the TV cabinet. Just above his one of his presents from me- A barometer/thermometer/clock thingy.

Around lunchtime he had an aborted Skype call from his family - aborted as the signal wasn't strong enough for some reason. Then nephew Andrew stepped up and brought a laptop in and the call was back on, just much later. Tony was thrilled to see and talk to his mum, as she was to see and talk to him.

Thsi evening we are out to dinner with Julie in town, which will be a quiet affair, but hopefully an enjoyable one....


  1. Happy Birthday Tony - Hope you both had a wonderful day. I am currently organising Shanes (partner) 60th birthday party (not surprise) for September 15th.

  2. Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday to you,
    Happy birthday dear Tonyyyyyy...
    HAPY BIRTHDAY to you!!
    Hope you had a great day!


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