Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Check ups, write ups and weekend surprises.

Today we have had our final vets visit for the year's vaccinations with Sprout's visit this morning. Interestingly all the kids have put on weight this year, with Sprout adding the lest, and of course Cuddy the most.

This afternoon I got back to 'TAKE TWO'. I had completed the first edit, but today started to add the final couple of chapters and as I was doing so a twist in the plot came up of which I have taken full advantage. I have to say that the writing today was flowing well and exciting for me.

Tomorrow is Tony's 60th birthday and I don't expect to have much time for the writing, nor over the next few days as Andrew and Jane arrive on Thursday and I am planning a busy weekend. The details of which you'll have to await on the publishing of the blog over the next few days.

and just cos I thought R2's pose was amusing here he is in the hammock this evening - Buddha-like


  1. Happy Birthday to Tony and Happy Celebrating to you all!

    1. Thanks Michelle -Full details (well almost) will be on here over the next few days, and of course in the next Newsletter.


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