Wednesday, 21 August 2013

A day off...

With no guests in VnG at the moment, and with Julie arriving back from Australia this lunchtime I had no pressing engagements.  SO it was to all intents and purposes a day off.

Starting the day with a shower for Xali (and myself of course) I followed that up with a couple of lines of washing, then when Tony went down town I swept and mopped through the house, cleaning everything that didn't move on the way.All this was t the background strains of Capital Gold -music from the 60s to the 90s - perfect.

For lunch I threw together a spicy noodle soup.

Whilst Tony was taking his nap I settled down to finish off the book I was reading, and of course was in floods of tears again. Despite that (or is that because of that?) I really enjoyed the book, and thoroughly recommend giving it a go.   

And then settled down at my desk for a bit of writing ... 

not just editing, but also a story in readiment to be uploaded to writey-ho soon. BTW have you voted for your favourite story?


  1. Incidentally if anyone wants to read the book let me know and I can post it to you - first come first served!

  2. I would love to read it Mark please , you could give it to Amy when she comes to yours if you like , save some pennies she may give it a go , a bit of holiday reading .

    1. OKey dokey - it's yours and yes I'll give it to Amy to bring back:
      BTW did you finish the book you started in Santiago?


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