Sunday, 4 August 2013


What a great afternoon we have had today with wonderful friends, old and new.

We caught the bus down to the square near 'La Fassina' early this afternoon, for a Sunday Vermut. Liam was already there with some friends so we joined their table, soon after James arrived, followed by Denise and Paolo.

Once again the barman offered us fishy taps until I reminded him that we don't eat fish or meat. I guess he will remember us eventually! So we got a packet of crisps instead, and a few olives. 

While we were there the Pabordes arrived (something like Morris dancers) with the giants of the town (this week is Fiesta Major). One of them came over for a chat 'Remember me?' he asked - he was the man who married us six years ago in the Town Hall, and always says hello when he sees us.

Chatting away the afternoon while drinking vermut negro is a great way to relax on a Sunday.

Denise and Paolo were kind enough to drop us off home and dropped in for a quick drink, so we sat in the garden for another hour or so and enjoyed a dip I made yesterday and some sausages that I'd cooked for breakfast this morning. 

Good food, good friends, sunshine - what more can one need? 


  1. You definitely need a holiday !

    1. Not too long away -and I'll be in the lap of luxury!


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