Firstly I've had a couple of days not feeling myself- (uh-hum) -well I was a bit off colour- just one of those things that happens from time to time. It's usually just a matter of waiting it out and getting on with things as best as I can, and Today I'm feeling much better.
Then we had some bad news from the UK -Sad but not insurmountable. Our love goes back in buckets to the Tullett's in Sussex.
Here we've been doing those New Year things like taking down the deckies, and I have at last put up the new 'cat gym' which they are thrilled about. They have been running around like kittens up and down the passage bouncing on the gym and then off again. The old one is in the garden for the time being and they're enjoying playing on that as it's out there too.
The Motivational Magic -Oracle Card Journey is going well- I really enjoy taking part in them- they allow great insight and the groups taking part are always so supportive and wise.
Today a box of books arrived for onward delivery -I've a few orders for signed copies of 'Winner', so am handling that at the moment, and the sales of 'The Magic' are still ongoing, which now has some ratings and reviews on the site which has raised its ranking and thus its profile. I'm also considering a Spanish language version of 'The Magic' too, as may of the people we met on the walk are native to Spain, or can speak Spanish, and some people have asked me if there would be a Spanish version.
If you checked in here to find a daily recipe- sorry for disappointing, but hold fast it will all be sorted soon. What I'm planning on doing is setting up a specific 'Foody' blog so anyone who just wants the food stuff can go directly there and won't have to read through all my ramblings, and visa versa. As Tomorrow is Public Holiday here I'm hoping to set that up tomorrow. It will have recipes, and all things food related- links, restaurant suggestions (around the world if I can get you lot to contribute) and any other sort of foody types of nonsense I can come up with. So watch this space to the new blogspot address.
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