Wednesday 11 January 2012

Today international

This morning I had a great meeting with the other editors of 'The Joyful Warrior' -a newsletter some of you are already subscribed too. They are all in Australia, whilst as you well know I'm here in Spain. Thanks to the technology of Skype we were able to talk, and even see each other. It was early(ish) in the morning here and mid-evening there. IT was great to hear and interact across the miles, and sort some stuff out for the newsletter. It was also a bit of a platform for my head to whiz off into space with ideas for future editions and also revived my lazy mind into thoughts about some of my own projects. The website on which all the wonderful information and articles appear is currently in maintenance mode, but once we're fully operational I'll be adding a link and hope you'll all get one over there and subscribe, AND pass the word on. We really want to go GLOBAL and it's with your help we can do this!

After starting the morning with this meeting it was difficult to bet back into 'day-to-day' head-space. My first task was off to D&P's place to feed their cats, then to Lidl for dog food- still living off cupboard stocks means we didn't need anything else.

For lunch I found a few ingredients in the fridge and threw together a tasty soup, while Tone popped out for a baguette. Recipe (for what it is) will be over on the other channel as soon as I can 'GrubNStuff'. I've had some good feedback about the new blog so far, but comments are limited (hint, hint!).

Then I had to get ready for classes - it's been so difficult to get back into the routine since Christmas and today was no exception. However walking to school I was 'talking myself up'- telling myself as  I was going to have fun- and guess what that's just what I did, and as did the students too.

So all in all a pretty great day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a fabulous day, Mark! Really, really enJOYed our newsletter meeting. Makes the distance seem so 'small'.


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