Thursday, 12 January 2012

A message I need to hear...

This morning whilst walking the dogs I found a tarot card in the street. Just lying there on its own in the middle of the pavement near the bins. SO I kinda thought it must be a message for me, so picked it up and turned it over:

I had no real idea what meaning it could possibly have so when I got back home I surfed the net for a meaning and posted a request on Facebook to see if any of my chums could help with interpreting what it might mean for me.

I then had a meeting with my dear friend (and Spanish Teacher) Victoria. I had approached her a while ago to translate 'The Magic' into Spanish with me. She has now agreed (in principal - she wants to translate a few pages before giving a definite answer to see if she's happy with the task). I have complete confidence in her abilities. I have this afternoon e-mailed her the first half of the book, as it was too big to e-mail all in one go. Victoria was going to start this week and on Saturday we'll chat again.

In the car on the way to Victoria's and back I was pondering the meaning of the card, and then again on the way to school.

So far I've had the following thoughts from kind friends on Facebook:

"The very general meaning indicates withdrawal from the outer world to activate the unconscious mind and also a teacher who will come to help begin the process and show the way.So if you have been pondering something in particular (especially if you have asked for guidance) it may mean that this guidance is on it's way. It feels like it's a confirmation for you, particularly for some thoughts that you were having on the walk. Sounds a bit airy fairy but it's what I got!!!!" CL

"What I got was protect your space and generate your vision:)" PC

"... and I got... time for an inner journey also... interesting.." JC

"what if feel is maybe you need to stay close to your home for a while since it has only been a few months since you have put yourself out there with publishing 2 books.   DW

I've also found a load of stuff on the net. Then on the  way home from school I was pondering it again when my dear guardian spirit asked "When will you learn to trust in yourself, you know the answers". Hmmm just when will I? SO I asked him what he thought. His reply was again "You know. Trust and go with it" So I stopped on a bench and thought for a moment- not for long it was too bloody cold to sit out side so late. When I got back home I looked at the card again. An old man following a light in his lantern, possibly showing others the way, but definitely lighting the darkness, and by the look on his face happy doing what he's doing. Then I looked more closely at his face - grey straggly beard, receding hair, furrowed brow. Yes I see it! I can be a bit of a hermit, I like being in my own company, but like sharing my talents too. Just recently I've been getting messages that I'm on the right track, on my path and I feel this one is telling me pretty much the same. So all the suggestions above fit in well with my own interpretation- I hear it "When will I trust my own intuition? When Will I accept I'm on the right path?" Time to get the message I guess. Look out 2012 this is my year...... 



  1. I can't believe you didn't recognise yourself there! It's almost how I imagined you on the Way!

  2. Now if you've read the Magic carefully you'd know we didn't even have a torch let alone a lantern!! However the rest is pretty accurate


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