Friday, 14 December 2012

Day two - home alone...

A fairly busy day to report her at TulStig Towers, despite the old man being in Blighty.

First thing was the usual dog walk, although we changed the route slightly today- madness I know, but there you go. Spontaneous little me!

I then threw together a banana, apple and raisin cake which I shall deliver to school tomorrow for Andy and Sue's birthdays which are both this weekend. At the same time (well more or less) I made some vegetarian sausage rolls to take to the Carol Party that I am going to tomorrow afternoon.  With a little bit of cleaning and tidying that was my morning, pretty much. Oh and had a chat with Janey, while the cake was in the oven, about my trip to the UK in January. We have decided to have a little  get together on the Saturday at theirs -A Three Kings' Party!

After a light lunch of cheese rolls I took a customary Friday siesta, only to be woken halfway through by the phone, which I studiously ignored.

On waking I prepared lessons for this evenings classes then dutifully wound my way to school to teach for a few hours. Whilst preparing said classes I was Whatsapping with Andrea in England, and e-mailing Nick, also in England.  Technological issues sorted (well as far as I can tell).

Arriving home this evening I cooked up a spaghetti delight for my dinner, whilst chatting with hubby, who called from Withernsea.

I've just enjoyed a relaxing couple of hours with the animals eating my dinner, imbibing of a can of beer and reading in the light of the Christmas tree lights. Ah such pleasure...


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