Friday, 1 February 2013

February ONE - Spring??

This month I am taking the photo challenge that I've mentioned on this blog a step further and turning it into a writing challenge too. I'm hoping to satisfy the photo challenge in the usual way, but then add a short story to whatever picture I decide on. Today's is 'Fork' and is already uploaded      If I get into this I may even start a side-blog to host my stories and pictures. OR maybe host them on my HoT website.  I'd love to hear what you think of the stories and pics - a short comment would be much appreciated!!

In the meantime here  in VnG it feels like Spring is springing up. Yesterday Tony treated all the garden furniture with a teak coating and even cleaned all the windows. In the fields the trees are starting to bloom and in the garden the bulbs are poking their heads above the soil. Whether they make it fully will depend on the cats- fingers crossed they decided not to dig them up this year?! Last night it was so warm  that the cats didn't even join us on the be, but stayed in the living room cuddled up on the sofa, although they had commandeered the bed all afternoon for a mammoth siesta. 

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