Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Gardening, Writing, Sharing

This morning was my morning to go up to  'Lottie', but the weather had different ideas. When I leapt out of bed (yes almost leapt) there was a thunderstorm in progress. OK I thought let's see if it dries up before I want to go, but no it didn't -so no gardening for me today. I consoled myself with the thought that the weather was great for the ground- yes the ground ,as we still need to get into the planting. Still my tomato plants, cucumber plants, lettuce etc enjoyed the watering. 

THE storm did allow me to indulge in another of my passions though - yes I sat for a while at the PC writing. I hope by now you've all been over to 'Writey-Ho' and checked out some of my stories. A couple of them are gaining in popularity, which is really great, and the stories are being progressed day by day.  I'm enjoying trying different style. I never thought I could write anything that could be classed as a thriller or suspense, but seem to have got the hang of it with the running story of 'FEAR'.  I'm enjoying my writing journey - let me know if you are, especially if you have a favourite story or style you'd like to see more of.

I was also thrilled toady to have been included in Michelle's blog (click link to check it out) with a mention of 'Writey-Ho' on there too.  Thanks Michelle.

So here's a deal - Do you have a blog, web-page, Facebook or twitter account? If you have said yes to any of the above and would be happy to link back to  'Writey-Ho' to help promote my writing (and books) please do so, leave me a message (there or here) and I'll do the same for you.  Let's share and tell the world about us....

 I love to grow the veggies in amongst the flowers and visa versa - Lettuce with carnations.
And the tomato plants and cucumber plants


  1. You are welcome, Mark! :) I do enJOY peeking into the happenings in your world ... love the lettuce and carnations hanging out together. I do find the photo of the tomato and cucumber plants a disturbing angle! LOL. Also love that you can indulge in the allotment AND write ~ perfect pair of projects, methinks.

    1. TO get the tommies and cues all in the photo I couldn't get a different angle, but I do see what you mean.
      I intend to try to indulge all my passions as much as I can with a work-life balance that works. Hopefully by the summer the Lottie will be looking after herself and I can take the laptop up there and write in the peace and quiet of the foothills.


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