Monday, 4 March 2013

The last couple of days here for me have been earth related -

On Saturday I went off to see an allotment with Bernard , just a little way up in the hills. IT wasn't as big as I expected, but is beautifully located (with views across the mountains and down to the sea) and is well maintained. The cost per month includes irrigation, shared areas, fruit trees, running water , a barbecue right next to our plot etc etc. I can even adopt a chicken or two if I want to for the eggs. All in all it seems like a great idea so I've said yes, and over the coming weeks we will be working to get some plants in and have veggies to bring home as soon as possible. This will be alongside my usual summer crops in the garden of course. 
The bare allotment

On Sunday (yesterday) I thought it was about time to get the garden ship-shape ready for spring so spent most of the morning digging out the soiled soil (Cats use it as a toilet during the winter), pruning back the bushes and bigger plants and generally tidying up.  Altogether there were about 10 bags of rubbish to clear out, but after several hours of fairly strenuous work I was a bit whacked so left that for today.

Phase one of 'Garden clean up'

Today I've been up to the skips with all the rubbish, and then taken a trip down to the garden centre for a few plants to refill the garden, and some seeds for the allotment.  On arriving back I planted some of the plants - let's hope they are at least slightly cat-proof.

 Seeds - a little bit of variety
Garden clear up - phase Two


  1. Ooh, I do like photos ... the allotment seems huge from my perspective and a place filled with possible adventures, Mark. Love that you can have space to grow beautiful food for your household. Great job on the spring cleaning. I need a dose of your motivation. :)

    1. I'm so looking forward to getting going in the allotment. At the moment rain is preventing any work, but soon, soon...

      I decided that March needed to be my month for getting things going, and am motivated by feeling good. Sending some 'feel good' your way. XX


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