Thursday, 5 July 2012

Job done.

After a great nigt's sleep I set out  late this morning into the rain. At this point in the journey there is no way to get lost with signs everywhere.
Arriving in Monte de Gozo,where I had planned to stop the night? I decided to carry on to journey's end: Santiago. I arrived in front of the cathedral in pouring rain with a beaming smile on my face.
I'm now settled into a private room and am taking my reward of a G&T  in Charlie's bar (AKA the cafe casino).
Tomorrow I shall play the tourist before flying home on Saturday.
Happy??? You bet I am.


  1. Absolutely fantastic effort. I'm very proud and greatful you allowed us to be at the conception of your next book!

    1. It's been great to have you along. Looks like I've got a busy summer/autumn lined up. First I need to finish Take Two. Then my long awaited children's book (part one....). Then once I've absorbed all what's happened during the last couple of weeks.... my next camino story.

  2. Congratulations! You did it! ( I have been reading your posts during my stay in France but could not leave a message for some reason ) Now another life after The Camino. I was at the Cafe Casino too!

    1. Thanks - I did, although after the first couple of days I was doubting my stamina and ability. However it was so worth it.
      I love the Cafe Casino, it hints back to a style gone by.
      And yes another life after the Camino, but where will I go next?
      Thank you for following me- it's been good to have you along. I hope you stay around.


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