Saturday, 22 September 2012

Monday breakfast musings

I've decided I am going to write a daily blog post and publish it as and when I get free internet access.
Yesterday we boarded after hours of hanging around and queueing with the hordes. Cruising really isn't just for the elite any more. I guess we ourselves are proof of that, although we do try to maintain certain standards. There are some on board, however, that do not. Dress sense at dinner proved that once and for all last night! I mean, would one normally wear cut off denims and a megadeath t-shirt to a 'nice' restaurant. Yes, there we have it. The travelling snob in me is alive and well!
Our cabin is spacious and comfortable, comodious I guess one could say. And that's where I've left hubby happily snoring whilst I feast my way through a plate of hash browns and scrambled eggs, washed down with orange juice. And whilst on the subject of food let me just comment that although we did come straight (sic) onboard yesterday and grab some lunch, and enjoy a FULL dinner last night we are not hogging. Others, on.the other hand' are making the most of the availability of food and piling their plates high but sadly leaving them piled almost as high when they leave. The gluttony and waste is something I find remarkable on cruises, clearly as I have just remarked.
Today we are due to enter Bari. ( Fnaarr) We've not yet decided if we will get off (Fnaarr) or simply lounge around on deck. Quite frankly we're both a little jaded after the last few days of socialising, both here and at home in VnG so the later is a possibility. I shall apprise you of our decision later.
And today's photo challenge.. in my fridge:


  1. So many fnaars so little time....glad you have enjoyed yourselves so much.

    By the way have a look here:

    Not that I'm a stalker of course!!


    1. Glad you enjoyed the read - we could see these web cams on our onboard cabin TV -they weren't that exciting though.


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