Thursday, 9 May 2013

Let the harvest begin

I had a great time yesterday, first of all up at the allotment. I planted out the Okra (maybe a bit difficult to see amongst the straw), did a bit of weeding, checked the Rhubarb and harvested a couple of lettuce, which are growing so fast now, if we don't cut them they'll grow too fast and go to seed, oh and they are delicious. I also half-inched a few nisperos (Meddlar fruit) from one of the trees, ready to make a bit of chutney.


  1. Bloody hell you look great! Obviously this healthy living is working!! Oh and your rhubarb is coming along a treat Fnaar!

    1. Thank You - Feeling good too (arm/shoulder notwithstanding) OH - The good life - Yes I'm singing it (although don't know any of the rest of the song!). Life is good. And now with veggies starting to be ready it's getting better- bring on the summer.

  2. Great veges - beautiful weather - looking good.

    1. Thanks Beverly. And they taste as good as they look!


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