Yesterday being a pretty lazy day I found myself sitting at the PC playing time-wasting games on Facebook, when I suddenly thought ' Hang on boyo - you've more important projects to get off the ground'. So I opened a new folder, opened a word document and started writing the sequel to Winner... I've completed the first chapter- easy, and started on the second. Doubts have dropped by, but I'm pushing them aside. I've not written today, and have rather too many ideas banging around in my head- I need to sort some out and get on, but for now I'm allowing my head to bubble away and see what brews.....
Today we've been down to Julie's for lunch. Tony popped down town this morning whilst I changed the bed, did some washing, dismantled the table and stored it away, tidied through and answered e-mails and messages. Julie's food was delicious and watching the sea through her windows whilst we ate was magic. All her cats came out to see us too, so we were well honoured. Seeing 'The Magic' on her coffee table was a little surreal- it seems that book is getting everywhere!
Here we go again! I'm not sure if we should start calling you JK Rowling or JR Hartley!
ReplyDeleteJR Hartley seems more apt -in another 10 years I'll be searching the old book-stores to find neither hide nor hair of my books!!
ReplyDelete(As they'll all have been sold out long ago!)
Ha ha I have a mint copy of The Magic for just such an occasion!