Monday, 26 March 2012


First job this morning was to pick up my new meds, which I'll be starting tomorrow. Fingers crossed everything will be okay.

When I got back I had a phone call from Sue saying she had managed to get out for a change- remember Sue's the one who had a baby just under a month ago. She hasn't been able to really get out since because she's either had Liliana clamped to one breast or the other, or she's been trying to get her to sleep. However when she called she said that hopefully they'd turned a corner and she'd be freer now. So we agreed to meet at a cafe just down the road, and I must say it was really nice, and little Lil' was so well behaved.

this after noon on the way to my first class I dropped off some Tiffin cake that I made yesterday for one of the other teacher's birthdays. Tony and I have since had a couple of small slices ourselves and I have to be immodest and admit it's jolly good. And here's a stack of it for your delectation!!

And whilst on the subject of food some of you may have noticed that 'Grub and Stuff' my  foodie blog has disappeared- no (well that just proves it). I kinda thought I was putting a lot of effort into something that wasn't being viewed or utilised, so have decided for the time being to suspend it. However, fear not if you are , like me, a foodie. I will be posting on here from time to time foodie things, pictures, meal ideas and even recipes (if they are wanted).
And on that note, here's what we had for tea (dinner?) yesterday- double baked potatoes with macaroni cheese and rucula salad

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