Tuesday, 20 March 2012

So little time

Well today it is officially three months before I start my next Camino, and happily I am recovering well from the sciatica, after my second visit to the vets today. It looks like I may be going solo this time too, as Nick is almost definitely out of the picture, and Janey is a probably not. Now this scares and excites me in equal measure.
  • How will I cope on my own?
  • who will I check directions with?
  • who will eat all the food I cook (I can only cook for a minimum of four people)?
  • Who will I moan at/to when I'm at my low ebb?
  • Who will I point out all the amazing sights to?
Well I know I can very well manage to do these all on my own, but it will be most strange to be walking without my usual walking partner (Janey), or without my expected walking partner (Nick), but fear not I can and will do it.  BTW guys this isn't to make you feel guilty or change your minds. If you could/can make it that'd be great, if you can't I'm sure I'll have a ball too.

And this will be where I will be planning to be walking the first day (21.06.2012) Oviedo - Grado (21kms)

SO as the clock really starts ticking I am feeling the old Camino spirit starting to burn in my blood again- be gone damned sciatica I need to walk.......


  1. Ooh, I am inspired to join you, Mark! Wish that I could. I can hear the sadness about Nick and Janey being unable to join you but I also hear the excitement about going it alone. Really looking forward to hearing your updates!

  2. Wouldn't that be something - to walk the Camino together- sounds like something we should plan for!


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