Saturday, 17 March 2012


Over the past few days the sun has been rising noticeably earlier, which means I am waking earlier, which is a good thing as during the longer nights of the winter months I have become a bit of a stay-a-bed. Waking earlier means I either have the opportunity to rest and enjoy the peace of the early mornings, or that I can get up and start my day.

For the past couple of days I have chosen the later, being up and  out with Xali and Cuddy earlier than they have recently been used to.  Whilst walking I have also notice that so many of the plants and trees are waking after their winter slumbers too. The main rambla which crosses our walk of a morning is lined by cherry trees which are starting to become festooned with blossom, making the world a prettier, brighter and more wonderful place.

On a deeper level I am also grateful that the inner author in me has been awoken from its slumbers over the past year, and continues to fill me more and more. I'm not saying that I no longer have doubts about my writing ability, but more that I trust that what I write is 'good enough', and anyway I'm doing something I love, whether this later translate to my first best-seller, well we'll have to wait and see.

My back/leg continues to be a source of pain and annoyance, but this week I am stepping into the unknown and seeing a local practitioner who has success in the past in totally curing a bad case of sciatica- I have my fingers crossed and my hopes high. The treatment will be over four days, and is much like Reiki, alongside the homoeopathic remedy I'm taking I hope I shall be back to fully functioning soon. My biggest fear being that this condition will not improve enough for me to be able to walk in the summer- no scratch that -I will walk, I may just have to take it slower and carry more painkillers than before!!

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