Saturday, 3 November 2012

And life.......

...... kinda got in the way.....

Today I've only written a couple of hundred words as it's been a bit of a bust day in other ways.

This morning I was working, so no writing there, then I went to lunch with some of the other teachers, where one of them announced she was leaving, which is really sad. Needless to say we had a few bottles of the red stuff, and when I got home I had to relax a while on the sofa before I was much use for anything. I did write a few words, as I want to keep in touch with my story and my characters, but haven't been in the right head-space to write much more. I am now taking it easy for the rest of the day. I'm well ahead of the game at the moment, and tomorrow I'll be pushing myself a bit more to write.

Incidentally I'm actually watching X-Factor, and still have the attachment to my Winner and Take Two characters strong enough to expect to see them on the stage at any minute- scary how I get so deeply into my stories. 

I did take today's photo challenge though:

Day 3 - Breakfast.. which we actually had for dinner tonight... Scrambled eggs and grilled tomatoes on toast...

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