Yesterday I didn't get much writing done; under a thousand, in fact, which was the lowest count since I started. Life threw a few heavy ones my way and I was buckling under the weight. I felt emotional and vulnerable. I was not feeling very creative, my muse went into hiding and my plot line stuck.
I've always had a plot outline, but this changes from day to day as the plot develops. Yesterday I wasn't sure where the next chapter was going, nor where it was coming from.
This morning whilst walking with Cuddy and Xali I asked the universe for a bit of inspiration.- Zap-Pow- a rhyme bounced into my head that fit exactly where my story was, and as I walked the current chapter started to fall into place. I have a beautiful new character, and a plot that's back on track. Today I've been working and needed siesta this afternoon, but when I woke up I sat here and typed a few words, those few words turned into over 1700 in no time.. I'm back on tracks and this train is running well....
The photo challenge has suffered as well... tomorrow I shall catch up on that one.But for now here's one I've stolen off the web....
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