Today was the first day in a month that I haven't sat at the PC and ploughed through a couple of thousand words, and strange that has felt too.
The characters are still so alive in my head, and still twittering away. 'The sisters' whom you shall meet if you stick your head into the pages of my latest offering are asking that their story be told too. Whilst the cousins are still pumped up and full of energy ready for their next adventure.
The other day whilst chatting with John, a fellow NaNoWriMO, we spoke about how the book and characters take on a life of their own, and that if you try to pull them in the wrong direction your story stalls. Well they are the ones doing the pulling now, for sure, but as for me I need a little bit of a break from daily keyboard addiction.
This morning I shopped without that nagging thought at the back of my head 'gotta get back, 1700 words to write'! The morning was more or less my own. OF course there were the usual daily chores, especially since Sussi arrives on Sunday, so I had to do bit of cleaning up here and there. Still we've shared Albergues that were so much more grubby, and less comfortable than our luxurious guest room quite!
Have I missed the writing? Well you could surmise from my ramblings here that I have, and to be truthful I really have. I've loved the race of the chase to send the cousins on the next step of their adventure. I've loved the challenge of coming up with the all important verses that flow through the story, and I've missed the rush that I get when I close the document seeing I've written far more words that I could have dreamed of in the short time allowed for my passion.
So what's next, aside form the editing and proofing? Happily there's another Camino book in my head and in my heart that needs writing. Pulling together my two passions writing and the Camino is such a pleasure that I am looking forward to telling the story of My Camino Primitivo.
Congratulations on your achievement, Mark!
ReplyDeleteI understand the call of the story and how weird it is to 'not' be writing. I'm enJOYing the change of pace and lack of pressure ~ writing for the sake of writing is a JOY. :)
Looking forward to hearing updates about your editing, proofing and new stories.
Thanks Michelle,
DeleteI've printed everything off and have to statr the edit and proofing. First round.
Also waiting on illustrations.
I'll keep you posted