Sunday, 4 November 2012

Sunday goal acheived...

Sunday writing has gone well today. I've written over 3200 words (well more than my goal), and all that in just a few hours. I am so enjoying the process again, and get so into the story. Today I had to phone Janey and tease her a little about what is going on with 'the cousins'. The story has started to warm up nicely and the plot is thickening (I think that's what we say). This week I am going to try and write 2000 a day, but as I havea couple of busy days may not quite manage that. I love the NaNoWriMO page that let's me keep a check on my progress- it's so motivating:

ANd as for today's photo challenge:

Day 4 - TV ... The X-Factor's Dermot (or is it Russell from Pop Sensation?)...


  1. Don't you LOVE that page on NaNo?!! I love seeing the word count creeping up. :)

    Well done, Mark! Great that you are writing fluently and fabulous that you are enJOYing your characters so much!

    1. I love the graph showing the daily totals, especially when my total is over the line.
      Thanks I think we are both doing well.


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