Thursday 12 April 2012

A Wet Thursday in VnG

I start the day my face a frown
The weather concurs - the rain pours down.
Nothing's shifting much today
My lack of oomph gets in the way
Yet friends have gathered round to chat
and raise my mood up from the flat
Now afternoon time I start anew
to do the things I like to do 
To read my book and write a bit
or even fill my blog with wit
And take some time to watch the cats at play
as they find a place to hide away....

On days like this I need to remember I am the master of my own ship and responsible for how I feel. But isn't it great to have wonderful friends around who can lift you up, sometimes without even thinking about it.  They may be spread to the corners of the world but today from Australia to London and points in between friends jumped in to lift my spirits; some consciously others less so, by just sending me inspirational e-mails or messages on facebook. 
For such friends I am more than grateful and just want to say I really do love you all.

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