Such a programme was on the other night. It was a documentary about a group in the USA who practise 'Gay conversion therapy'. Tony did suggest that I shouldn't watch it as it might make me angry. However, angry was not the emotion it brought out in me. I was saddened by it.
- Firstly saddened that such groups still exist in what should be an enlightened age.
- I was also saddened that young men are not permitted to accept themselves as whoever they are, but want to fit into society as prescribed by others. Others more often than not being their parents. One father said that he could accept his son (who was just 17) being anything but not gay whilst his son listened from the sofa, dejectedly.
- And saddened that these young men so hated themselves and in so many cases turn to suicide as their only way out.
At the end of the programme they announced that this therapy is now banned from practising with men under 18. I guess that's a start. Brainwashing is not allowe3d in any other areas - why sexuality.
These men need a supportive space to find themselves, not a space that pushes them in the way others think would be best for them.
OK Of my soapbox.... but here's my story....
When I was much younger I hated the thought/possibility that I could be 'one of those' and at the time would have done anything to change the way I was. I could so easily have been on this programme of men who identified themselves as having same sex attraction yet couldn't identify as gay. I could so easily have been coerced into a marriage by my parents and and almost everyone around me, who 'wanted the best for me'.
I was lucky to have found myself, found my man and found acceptance.
I now wholeheartedly identify as a GAY MAN, and would have it no other way. I love my life, I love me, I love my man.
Where do you stand in this debate?How are you going to react if your son/daughter is gay, or bi-sexual?