Sunday, 7 October 2012

Sunday at its best

This morning I had a relaxing walk with Cuddy and Xali. I took my new camera to see what came up for me to snap, and have put together this offering. 

And then messed about on the PC - I am pleased to say the translation of 'The Magic of the Camino' into Spanish is coming along nicely, thank to Victoria - just 10 chapters to go, and the work Victoria has put in is excellent and much appreciated.

And whilst on the subject of books - Yesterday (after a full day of teaching) I finished the final edit of 'Take Two' and it has now been released on general sale: I just need to come up with an effective method of marketing for the novels. Without the niche market that 'The Magic' has it is proving much more difficult to push the sales forward.

Later on this morning I decided I would throw together a coffee cake. (more info on my other blog page). which I have just enjoyed with a nice cuppa. What more can one need on a Sunday afternoon than a good book to read, a slice of cake and a cuppa?

So how did you spend your weekend?


  1. He he I love the montage. Is that done in camera?

    Big grins AND cake! Superb!!

    1. The montage (and previous collage) are done on Picasa - a free google application ( Camera has a 3D function, but my PC isn't sophisticated enough to view the pictures I've taken in 3D.


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