Today I had lunch with Julie, and as the rain started we had to move our table inside the restaurant, then when we finished , make a run for it- me back to the car, Julie back to her flat. On my way back from Julie's in Cubelles I felt trapped as the water rose in the drains -even raising some manhole covers about a foot above their settings - and closed the underpasses under the train line, but eventually found one I could get through and got home safe and fairly dry. Since then it has been raining on and off, pouring and showers. We love it - the cats on the other hand don't and they took shelter on their jungle-gym.
Books update:
- Magia del Camino - Victoria is working like a trouper on the translation and hopes to finish sometime in December. We are then thinking of having a Spanish book-launch. I love the way my words read as translated by Victoria, and know it'll be a great read (if you speak Spanish of course).
- Das Winner - I spoke to Michael today who is just over a third of the way through translating Winner. Luckily he's really enjoying the task as we ll as the story. HE hasn't read past the parts as he translates them and is looking forward to finding out the rest of the story. He's also got his mum to read what he has translated (Michael is originally from Germany) and she too is enjoying the story and wants more... Michael's also pointed out a few tips in a possible edit (second edition) of Winner, which I am currently working on.
- Take Two - I had a quick chat from Janey today who has been reading Take Two, having rushed and bought her copy as soon as it went on general sale- she reported that she has already been in tears, and is loving the follow up to Winner.
- The Key -I must ashamedly admit that work on the new project has currently stalled. I've been so busy editing and promoting the other books and setting up the HoT website (still under construction!), as well as settling back into my school timetable etc etc, but intend to get back to it this week. I've also been let down by a second possible illustrator, so if you can draw and fancy seeing your work in my kids book(s) let me know...
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