Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Getting Ready....

This morning I attended the first teachers' meeting of the year.  A couple of hours spent with the other teachers in the English department discussing the year ahead and more specifically the first lessons for each course which will take place over the next few days. I also got my timetable for the year, which is still open for changes over the next twenty four hours, but hopefully wont change too much.

After the meeting Julie, Tony and I had lunch in a local restaurant and enjoyed a couple of bottles of wine - a luxury we wont be able to have for the next few weeks- no drinking on school days- at least not before the lessons!

This evening I've been updating the on-line file for 'Take Two' and am almost finished with the edit. Hopefully I shall complete it tomorrow and then upload it soon after... Then I need to get on with some promotion, but without the niche market that 'The Magic of the Camino' has it is more difficult. This is what I have found with promoting 'Winner'.  If you've any bright ideas let me know....

I've also been 'messing about' with my new camera today too -and the animals have been coming in for a lot of attention, but they just wont sit still. However here's a pic of Cuddy that is almost 'good enough'...

I'm now off to do a bit of paper shuffling ready for tomorrow's classes...


  1. Really good photo Mark ,i have been trying to take some more photos of Buster but have to delete them cause he just won't keep still ,Not sure if that puppy album will grow as much as Buster lol.
    Hope school does'nt take over your life to much and you manage to get a little rest in between school and writing ,he,he. xx Have a good week.

    1. Luckily I caught Cudds just as she was moving here head- even the chewy in my hand didn't keep her focussed!
      School is taking over at the moment- but only co it's the first day of lessons and I still haven't got my timetable properly sorted. I also want to get 'Take Two' done adn dusted, then can concentrate on 'The Secret' -not sure it'll be ready for Christmas though - but am planning to set aside at least half an hour each day for writing...


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