Thursday, 25 April 2013

Cry God for Harry, England, and Saint George!

What a great heading I thought to myself when  I read cousin Will's quote from Henry V.  

Firstly because two days ago was Saint George's Day - St Jordi here, and the town as always went mad with books and roses. I asked a student why they give roses to their sweethearts on this day. The legend is that when St George (Jordi) killed the dragon, where the blood  fell to the floor red roses grew, as for the book giving I've still to get to the bottom of that one. 

The Rambla was bedecked with Catalan flags and with books and roses on sale. Every other street corner had a gypsy family, or parts of, selling roses to passing cars, or pedestrians. 

So that's the 'Saint George' part covered. Cry God- well that's what I've been crying lately with the pain in my arm and shoulder. But after four visits to the Vet and his magic energy treatment I am pretty much cured. Yesterday afternoon after the third treatment I felt quite ill. All afternoon I was cold and felt like I was starting the flu, and was in bed by 10.00pm. This morning I woke up feeling full of the joys of spring, and after another treatment am pleased, no delighted that the pain has resided to almost a memory of what it was. BY the weekend I'm sure I'll be back to full function. Of course I am sure the healing sent from around the world, including a powerful symbol from Brian has helped no end -Thank you all. 

England - had a strange dream last night that I was visiting Brighton for a special celebration, then the weather turned bad so I decided to take a walk along the seafront and maybe go to the cinema, as I haven't been to the flicks for ages. anyone fancy working out what that might mean? 

As for Harry - nothing relevant there, but thought I'd add this anyway -


  1. So pleased you are on the mend ,and you know you can tell that through your writing.
    Nice pics !

    1. Yes, getting better day by day. It still aches a little so I'm limiting the time I spend on the PC as it doesn't help`to be sitting here too long. I've written a couple of stories by hand, well scribbled, and should be able to type them up today or over the weekend....


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