Monday, 29 April 2013

Laugh - I almost didn't

Another wet day in VnG, and we've been loving it. Although the cats have become a bit stir-crazy. Sprout spent the best part of the afternoon chasing raindrops down the French windows. Thank goodness the animals can amuse us because the TV comedies these days just cant.

Rain through the French windows
 Tom planning something...

We've just spent an hour watching two new so-called comedies. The first half hour was called 'Vicious' and  starred Sir Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi, with Frances de la Tour. The two former playing a gay couple, the like of which we've never met, nor wish to. It was dire, with no laughs in it at all. All over-acted and should have been at the theatre and not on TV at all. 
The second 'Job-Lot' was about a Job centre and was too near the truth to be funny. more overacting and again no laughs.
As I said it's lucky the animals make us laugh...


  1. HA HA HA Tom looks like he's ready to tell you where to get off with that camera!

    1. I think he gets fed up with me pointing it at him- He's usually really photogenic, but here he'd had enough!

  2. Oh Tom you do look very cross , he did'nt like the new tv programmes then ?!!.
    I was going to watch them too Mark but forgot they where on , glad i did'nt now . Thank you for letting us know your views on them so now i know defo not to bother next wk .
    Oh just to give you a weather report for Small Dole...... Lovely sunny day washing on the line ,flip flops on ones feet ,jeans still but t-shirt and a light Cardy .

    1. Yes - I think Tom had had enough of the rain!
      The comedies really were bad. We did think we might give them another chance next week,, if there's nothing else on. The first as far too theatrical. Strangely enough we know a load of old theatrical queens but none like the ones portrayed in this programme.
      As for weather - the sun is back here today. ;.) Hurrah


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