Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Good news

Well the sun came out again today. After three days of rain we were muchly relieved. That is bit of good news number one.
Good news number two is that my new phone arrived.  It is on this that I am typing now. It is a Galaxy SIII and is truly amazing.  The text predictor is so clever that it even offers the next word and is more often than not right.  Ican even dictate to it and it types word for word what I say.  There are still a load of features that I've not even found yet. So a hearty thanks goes out to Nick for suggesting it to me. It wasn't cheap but is so worth it.

As well as this in the post there was another packet.  Inside was a jar of extra strong Marmite.  A delightful present from a great friend in London Nigel.  More big thanks going out to him too. Good news number three. 

And if that wasn't enough tomorrow is a holiday here.  It's May Day. 


  1. We expect lots of pictures please!

    1. I think I may well be annoying you with a plethora of pics as I plan with my new toy! !
      Although from here it appears that the picture yesterday didn't load properly.


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