Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Writing and Walking...

Today I spoke to Michael, who is doing the translations of my books into German. He has been working hard on Winner to translate it and has had some problems with some of the 'gayer' terminology, so I have enlisted the help of a dear friend off Facebook to help out with these all important words and phrases.  We chatted on Skype about the characters and the story in general. Michael is now planning to get a copy of 'The Tales of the city' by Armistead Maupin in German, to get some idea of how that translates, as the Tales are written in the same informal style which I favour.

Winner's sequel:
Today I made a commitment to write at least 1000 words a day to push my novel towards its conclusion. Today I have actually written over 1600, and am very satisfied with what I have achieved.  I am also interested (not sure if that's the right word) in how I've kept to a commitment I 'publicised' when I hadn't pushed myself before or made that commitment to myself?!

With just twenty seven days to go till I fly off to Oviedo I have had a bit of a wobble. Firstly I was worried that I might get lost as I don't have a guidebook in English like I have had for the last two Caminos. So I found a brilliant site with loads of pictures and lo and behold there are the 'shells' and 'arrows' all clearly pointing the way- that panic over then. And, for goodness sake, I have a book on the way- in Spanish, but I read the language well!! The pictures on the site also gave me a good idea of what to expect -I just looked at the first two stages, and it got me really excited to be on my way.

Another reason I'm keen to  get going is because today, after another Friend's post on Facebook I weighed myself, and found that I am quite hefty at the moment, almost the heaviest I've ever been. I am attributing this partly to my convalescence from Sciatica recently, and overuse of the bus instead of walking, but also know I eat too much.  Walking the Camino will change all that, and I shall return more slimline, once again. 

I've also been wondering whether to update my phone to a smart phone so that I can 'tweet' whilst walking, and with wifi be able to update this blog more regularly.  Although I've spoken to both my supplier and some others I don't really feel I know any better. So Nick I could be on the messaging in the morning with questions. If anyone else can help please 'comment your two penneth'!!

1 comment:

  1. Let me know what you need, and I'll be more than happy to help!


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