Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Two sides

This was the blog I meant to post yesterday evening, but for technical reasons (I forgot to put the laptop on charge!!) it never happened.

One side of being Gay in the 1990's:
Thirteen years ago Tony and I, and our dear friend Kath walked out of the Admiral Duncan pub in London virtually unscathed. The place had just been hit by a hateful bomber whilst we were enjoying an after work pint or two a was our preference of a Friday evening back in the day.

Two days later we found ourselves centre stage in the Observer newspaper.  A sad day for all concerned, yet happy as we survived.

And the other side:

Nick and I have been emailing back and forth this week about a wonderful performer Tony and I , and our dear friend Kath (I'm sure) used to enjoy watching back in the day.  Regina Fong was a master drag queen and we were proud to call ourselves Fongettes, knowing the 'choreography' to almost all of her numbers.  Not to everyone's taste but always a fantastic night out for us.

Happy days - what fun we had, but sad too as Reg died too long ago (2003) of cancer. However there is to be a Regina Fong charity night at the Black cap in May with tribute performances. 


  1. Ah, The Fongettes from afar!
    I'm trying to persuade Carla to go to the tribute night, but I'm not sure she's up for it. A shame as I think it would be a great night out.

  2. If Mrs Brennan ain't up for it just grab your best an and get on over there- If they do the Regina act justice it'll be a night to remember!


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