Thursday, 28 June 2012

Cadavar dancing

Walk today as taxing as all the previous days. This area is seriously mountainous!
Arrived in Cadavo Baleira early afternoon. Strange place name- does it really mean cadaver dance?! Comments please from Spanish speakers.....
Hospitalera strict officiious type till I plied my charm now shes all smiles and coquetish!!
Just been local bar to ask about Pilgrim menu. At last something different -a veggie rice dish. I shall report back later on that one. Or just make you wait for the book for my verdict.

Picture is of albergue -   New and clean. Nice space but lacking in atmosphere.


  1. I read the name and all I think about was you dancing along the road with dead people - ooh dear what an image. Hope your rice dish is nice. Big hugs

  2. As far as I can tell we are all still living. Rice dish was ok but could have done better myself!!


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