Thursday, 21 June 2012

Day one walking the Primitivo.

What started out as a wet day with torrential rain has ended up bright and sunny as I sit outside the albrgue in San Juan de Villpanada eating cherries and writing this.
Oviiedo at 5.30 this morning was shrouded in fog as I wound myway through its streets trying not to get lost. According to the guidebooks the way is not well signed. Well I had no real problems.
Just outside Oviedo the rain started and gradually got heavier as I climbed. The path got muddier and more and more slippery. At one point I nearly lost one shoe in a puddle - luckily only nearly.
By mid-morning the sun came out and Is started to dry off. Since thdn it has stayed warm.
The views all along the way habe beeb spectacular and breathtaking.... quite literally in places where the climb was a little tol steep for this old boy.
Arriving at the albergue was a blessed relief. Thde last 5 kms were the worst as my leg, feet and shoulders started to complain.
This albegue is brilliant. Only 20 beds but so far there are only 5 of us. The fridge is we stocked for our use (thus the cherries) and at this very moment 2 of my felloe walkers are busy doing my washingin the free washing machine.
Once again my life seems to be full of amazingness and I am full of gratitude for what I have. Not only here on the camino but also at home,and inthe world at large. Thankyou all for your comments, teeets and whatsapp messages. I really do appreciate every one and if Imiss a comment or two please forhive me. Sometimes the connectivity is not so good.
So heres one of the magnificent views from the allbergue.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mark , really pleased for you that day one has been amazing for you and i'm sure every day will be full of wonders as on the last walks , Enjoy be stronge and walk tall. xx


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